Friday, February 1, 2008

Happy National Freedom Day!!!

National Freedom Day is an observance of President Lincoln's signing of the 13th Amedment outlawing slavery (Feb 1, 1865).

Part of freedom in this country is the ability to be part of the electoral process. I encourage all of you to try and be part of the process. Get out and caucaus tomorrow- it's

Here in Minnesota we will be caucusing all around the state:
Check out our
Secretary of State for more info regarding where to caucus for each party :)

So, we can't all get out and caucaus. I know, you feel intimidated. You feel over-whelmed. You feel like it doesn't even matter anyway.

I say push all your doubts aside and go for it anyway. It's all a learning process and it can't harm anyone if your more informed (or maybe it can, ha-ha).

Here is what I love about this whole process right now. It's fun to watch- who needs soap operas, the so called reality shows when all these presidental hopefuls are duking it out every day and night in the public arena!

Though I'm sure that many of you would think that
NPR and it's MPR (Minnesota Public Radio) affilate are bastions of liberal media. But, I challenge you to listen to especially the Midday programs with Kerri Miller and Gary Eichten. Well, I guess her program is part of the morning that they call Midmorning. However, there is balanced, in-depth interviews and reports especially regarding what matters to Minnesota. What both Kerri and Gary do is dedicate whole hours- that's ONE WHOLE HOUR to a subject. Right now Gary is featuring each contender for the Minnesota Senator race. Where can you get one whole hour of info each candidate? Certainly not the Cities television news stations- they have too many fire truck and cop lights they are following. If they do cover politics, they give their political journalists a 3-5 minute round up feature once or twice a week. Other times they just have a few sound bytes here and there, usually the same ones that every other station has. Nothing new, nothing in-depth.

So, my challenge to y'all is to listen for one week to Kerri and Gary and find out for yourselves if you really feel like your being sucked into a liberal, media spin machine? For those of you out of state, but want to keep up on Minnesota politics, you can stream it online or check out your own NPR affiliate for local/state political information. I'd really love hear back about how you felt. I don't even know for sure what others are listening to, but I can tell you that I feel all the Limbuagh's, Hannity and Colmes and Air America shows are just spouting out a lot of spin, jokes and insincere journalism. Just my humble opinion.

1 comment:

grousy said...

Hey, I know I have misspelled words, but the spell checking wasn't working and I don't have time now to go back and check everything- maybe later. Hope y'all can cope ;)