Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Frozen Pipes?


The kitchen sink won't drain- perhaps a frozen pipe? I've plunged and managed to "break" the plunger. How does that happen? Chris stopped to pick up a new one before he came home. But, my thoughts after I was plunging the standing water this morning turned to the possibility that the drain pipe froze. Though the kitchen sink is on the north side and our house being 68yrs old and lacking newer, more insulated plumbing, the water line is not frozen. As best as we can figure, the drain pipe in the basement on the north end is frozen, the standing water in my sink has no where to go. I put salt down the drain, still nothing (read that on the web)

This too will go away, but right now I'm feeling super bummed! I haven't done anything today but linger about trying to fix the drain and sit back in a big depression. Blah!

Broken plunger, new plunger and standing water (and undone dishes) in the background. Crap, crap, crap!

1 comment:

grousy said...


Chris went down and used the heat gun on the pipe and the drain finally opened up. Not sure, but maybe it was a combination of the rock salt, heat and my anger expressed through major plunging all at the same just went down really fast!

Ah, now I feel like I can get something done (I already super cleaned the sinks out and rinsed with hot, hot water).