Monday, February 4, 2008

Mr. Drama Grahama

So, I'm upstairs about 1/2 hour ago, ya know, needing some personal time. But as many of you moms know, there is no escape, no personal space and even your bathroom break doesn't deter them from putting on a show for you.

Graham just came up stairs moaning, looking forlorn and holding his head. "I'm sick-I'm having a heart-attack in my brain! I need a popsicle to help it. Jack says that popsicles help when your head hurts." Trying not to laugh too hard, I ask him "Is that so?" He goes into more of his song and dance about how he really, really needs one. Then the pleading clasped hands and big round eyes begging for a popsicle. I let him have one just for the performance sake!

So, just a bit ago (after the orange popsicle) and I'm on the phone taking to my work mate Karen, he comes with hand on head, but a little less dramatic- "My head is still cracking". And, because I'm on the phone and distracted he got the best of me again. He just finished a green one.


Jennifer said...

HA! Popsicles (or ice cream, or chocolate) always make me feel better too!

Abra La Mente said...

Do you think my lovely nephew was truly just "pulling one over on you" or do you think he might have inherited the family migraines. I recall my dear mother saying that one of us used to complain about the tummy-ache in our head.(Perhaps we were trying to get some Schwan's ice cream!) I just thought the description of his "pain" seemed much the same as my migraine experience. Do you have any popscicles for me?