Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Finished with Slaughterhouse-Five

...now I'm reading a guide book/companion to decipher it all! Well, I started that today, but of course there was more reading waiting for me at work. So, I brought home The Replacements: All Over But The Shouting (or from GRRL) thinking I'd glance over the book or maybe offer it up to Chris to read first, as I have many waiting in the wings as it is. Well, I'm into it now and I don't think I want to put it down. Mr. Jefferson and his chicks will have to wait. The Mermaid Chair too, I guess. Hugo Cabret will progress along with this I think- Graham wants me to read Hugo to him and I started, but I want to finish and return it as it has quite a waiting list. I need more hours in the day! I also have the Edith Piaf film sitting here (overdue and with a waiting list as well). What's a girl to do?


Abra La Mente said...

Boy, you have quite the selection of reading; I've been bogged down, but have been reading my standbys: Organizing books of every kind...I can read it, just can't transfer it.

Jennifer said...

I wish I had more time to read (and knit, drink coffee, sleep...)

grousy said...

I wish I had more time to read too!!

I have to make time, or it won't get done! I kind of look at it like it's part of my job~ I need to be up on things and keep somewhat abreast on the current books out there. But, boy oh boy, do I sure wish I could read even more!

Also, bad as it is, I neglect some things (OK, many things) around here; instead I read. So, there it is.