Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wise words, from a wise man:

"I've been meaning to ask, just haven't gotten around to it, plus I'm
worried that the question is premature. But you know, I think I'm finally at the
point where I believe it will happen. Now there's less than a month to go. Now
it's just a matter of days. Days until America does something which, I'll be
honest, I would have bet America would never do. At least not any time soon.
Just days until in one swift moment, the entire world will do a double-take.
Days until Americans of all stripes will come together to reaffirm America's
promise to its own people. Days until MLK's dream, and the dreams of all people
who love this country's founding PRINCIPLES more than life itself, finally come
true. I want to know: Where's the party? On the evening of November 4th, when
this moment is finally announced, where do I go to celebrate? Where can I be to
experience this historical moment with my brothers and sisters in humanity, with
those who truly understand what it may mean for us all? I'm not going to be at
some Democratic party balloon fest. I am not going to be at a bar. I am not
going to be in a gym. I am going to be at home, watching the TV with the volume
turned down so I don't wake my kids. And when the time comes, when the moment is
announced, I will walk out my front door into the street, and I will look up at
the sky and shed tears of joy. That'll be my victory party. To look up at the
stars and hope that this means a better future for my little ones. If I'm lucky,
some of you reading this will come outside right then too, and maybe we can
smile at each other in silence. Either way, when you finally hear it announced,
on the evening of November 4th, that Americans came together and took their
country back, and you're sitting at home celebrating the moment quietly alone or
as a family, spare a second would you and join me out in the street, and look up
at the sky and feel the smiles, hopes and joy of millions of people like you and
me reflecting down from the stars."

I received just received this from my friend Stevie. It was written by her friend's husband (I believe he is from small town Iowa, I've communicated with him and his wife on Diaper and Natural forums). Anyway, wouldn't it be nice if we all could open our doors up Tuesday night at Midnight and look up to the heavens and give thanks for a new day; new country; new world view?

So, after my downer post earlier today, let's keep up the hope!


Lisa Zahn said...

That's beautiful. Thanks for sharing it. I'll be thinking of that Tuesday night, but we'll see if I can stay up late enough to do it.

Go Obama!


Abra La Mente said...

Hoping and praying...only 43&1/2 hours until I get to have my say in all of this! YIPPEE!!