Wednesday, October 22, 2008

It's Not For Girls!!

My sister Ann brought these lovely candy bars from the UK for the boys! I've had them hidden for them for a while because I wanted to get some good shots of them with these unique candy bars. Not sure why they are NOT FOR GIRLS, but it seems like a good gimmick to get the kids to buy their candy! Made by Nestle and I liken it to a Chunky- remember those?

When I was in Canada this summer with my sisters, I promised Jack I would bring back a super good chocolate bar that he had got the last time he was in Canada (2007). They were out of them at the border store, so he had to settle for something regular. I want to say it was a Caramilk he wanted, but that's just like a Carmello I think. Anyway, when Ann was in Scotland this past August, she picked up these candy bars because she felt bad for him because he didn't get the special candy bar he wanted. She thought these Yorkie bars were super funky and silly and of course they thought they rocked. I mean, come on! A candy bar made just for boys? How cool and Auntie Deutschie is so KEWL too!

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