Friday, August 29, 2008

They're Going Down!

No way is the McCain/Palin ticket going anywhere!
'Nuff said, don't you think?


Abra La Mente said...

Given the unbelievable results in 2002 & 2004, I'm not quite as optimistic as you. :-(

Abra La Mente said...

Last comment SHB 2000, not 2002. I am quite disillusioned, as I think there has been so much disagreement among democrats, which will hurt us again in the end, whereas, Republicans seem to just go lock-step with anyone that says they are Republican. Unfortunately, I think more democrats will cross over than Republicans, and independents will probably split evenly. Hope I'm wrong.

grousy said...

I think the Democrats are coming together and I really feel Obama's pick of Biden was really smart. I really feel that Obama picked the best person to "lead with him"-not just somebody to pander to certain demographics. Picking Palin to try and get the "Hillary" supporters is very short-sighted. I will say that McCain definitely has the social/religious conservatives in his pocket now. But, I'm not sure they are going to tip the scales. She was once mayor of a town of 6500 people and was head of the PTA- that is not VP ready. She is one heartbeat away from the Presidency and if anyone knew what was good for us, they'd clearly see this is a ridiculous ticket.
I will say Palin out-shines McCain in charisma, personality and oratory. She's a sharp person and I believe very driven. But, White House ready? Puuu-leaseeee!

I still feel that Democrats are not one issue voters and will come out in force to bring the new direction that is so needed in this country.

I would have loved to see an Obama/Clinton ticket. Do think that would have been the sure shot needed?

thanks for responding-i sometimes feel I'm all alone here

Abra La Mente said...

Actually, I like the Obama-Biden ticket, more than the Obama-Hillary ticket, even though we might have had more people hanging tough for the long haul; I thought Hillary gave a great speech to convince her supporters to remain part of this movement.

I just think there are still too many people that for their own good should not be voting for more of the Bush years, yet will get stuck on their one issue stance (be it gun rights or abortion, etc.), or their fear of a black man in office (I can't believe we are still debating this in this day and age but I have personally heard that coming out of mouths).

Like I said earlier, I hope I am dreadfully off mark, because I sure thought the last election was in the bag. I still can't believe that we ended up with eight years of Bush. I want to believe we are a smarter country than what our last two elections have shown us to be.