Sunday, April 6, 2008

Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?

...apparently Graham is at least as smart as a 5th grader! The other evening while they were watching Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader the question was asked (I was out of the room, so I'm not sure of the exact wording)- "What did Prometheus steal from the gods to give to humans?" Graham knew immediately that it was fire~ Jack and daddy did not know the answer. Thanks to Hugo Cabaret and the real-life wonders of reading, Graham knew the answer! Though Chris and Jack did read the book, apparently when I read the book to Graham he picked up on more of it than I first suspected. Never under-estimate the value of great literature and time well-spent reading with your child!

NOW go read that Book!

I need to update my reading list! I've finished all but Mr. Jefferson's Women and I've started Bless Me, Ultima for The Big Read. I've now more books on my night stand! One Thousand White Women and Infidel. I think I will have to return The Enchanted Chocolate Pot and read it at a later date. It was suggested by my library aid Rachel. She is a fabulous aid and one who reads enormous volumes of (as in, many) books. She lives alone, is not married, does not have TV and loves to read. Generally we do not share the same type of reading material, she likes mostly only happy books and does not go in for Non-fiction at all! The Enchanted Chocolate Pot was written by two Minneapolis writers and looks really fun.

So, I'll let you know how I liked all these new reads (and maybe put up titles on the side later if I have more time). Now, Jack and I are going to watch a movie called Where is the Friend's Home? I watched it last week and thought Jack would really enjoy it. Even with subtitles, it is more about the scenery and the child's emotions. At times, it's what is not said where the story is. I thought it was beautiful and not much in it that would be appalling for anyone, especially by today's standards!!

Good Sunday to all!


Auntie M said...

You go Grammy!
You're such a smart 'lil cookie!
Love you Bunches!(you too, Mom) :)

Abra La Mente said...

Apparently Graham is smarter than an old lady as well. I don't think I woould have got the answer, either. KEEP ON READING!

As for my reading, it has consisted of only self help books for a while. I am trying to get a better grasp on working with this ADHD/disorganization sentence I've been living with for all of my life. We'll see if the reading helps me be more organized than a fifth grader. :-)

grousy said...

Wow! People really do read my blog! Ha!

I know, what a smart litte cookie or Turkey-Tutu! Graham amazes me:)I'm not sure I would have remembered it; likely I couldn't have spit it out as fast as he did!
He is still just a silly 5 year old, but there is some real, solid "soul" there!

Donna said...

awesome Jack!...
Bless me Ultima is one of my faves... being a NM girl, I read it when I yearn for home.

Donna said...

oops, meant Graham... dang