Sunday, November 16, 2008

Halloween and Day of the Dead

Late posting Halloween pictures- but they were fun, so even though they are late, ENJOY!

Graham decked out in his Day of the Dead wear!

Skull shirt, shorts, socks and shoes. The socks are really neat and particularly "beautiful" with green and sparkles; in true Dia de los Muertos style (not ghoulish, but celebratory)

I decorated a ceramic skull with real and fake flowers, colored in some of the teeth and lines with pretty and sparkling colors. Graham and I made candy suckers. There were haystacks, corn, flowers and best of all, skull suckers (all molds of which I had on hand, no special purchases for anything). The only thing I had to leave the house for on this project was to walk across the alley to my neighbor Sue and ask if I could have some yellow mum blossoms! The black eyed Susans we had (two with life). Marigolds are the traditional flower of Day of the Dead, but these yellow mum blossoms were perfect! I had a cute little blue bow to but on the skull forehead, so this calvavera was of the female persuasion, ha!

And, then we were off to a Day of the Dead party at the Jorgenson's of Saint Joseph! How's that, a bunch of Scandinavians celebrating Dia de los Muertos?

I love the rockers jamming out on Guitar Hero! JD shaved his head just for the occasion. I was the lame one out and didn't even try Guitar Hero. I claimed to be band manager and asked if anyone needed something- like a drink? It was great fun and there was super food all around. Those Jorgenson's know how to put on a spread :)

1 comment:

Lisa Zahn said...

Love the pink wigs on Sara and the other woman. Looks like a great party!